Funeral Directors.

If a long journey has come to an end or a path half walked is suddenly crossed, time seems to stand still.

Please note that Amazing Prague may or may not have personal knowledge of the organizations listed below; nor can we comment on their professional abilities or language skills, for which we take no responsibility.

Funeral Home of the Capital of Prague

Pobrezni 339/72 (3rd floor)
18600 Praha 8
Phone: 800 101 050
Link: Funeral Home of the Capital of Prague…


Branická 27/45
14700 Praha
Phone: 244 466 004 or 244 460 532

Pohřební ústav Pegas CZ

Kateřinská 13
12000 Praha 2
Phone: 224 941 452/ 453 or 224 942 048/ 049
Czech Link: Pegas CZ Funeral Parlor…

Jan Šlajs

Na Neklance 20  
Praha 5  
Phone: 251 555 689 or 251 554 459
Czech Link: Jan Šlajs Funeral Parlor…

Tranquillitas Praha spol. s r.o.
Italská 6
120 00 Praha 2
Phone: 222 521 756
Czech Link: Tranquilitas Funeral Parlor…

Na sypkém 925/1
180 00  Praha-Libeň
Phone: 283 843 053
Czech Link: Pax Funeral Parlor…

Ovenecká 849/3
170 00  Praha-Holešovice
Phone: 602 220 894 or 233 377 194
Link: Atropos…
