
Museum in the original lingo of the time – antiquity is meant – translates to sanctuary of the muses.

Even though, no longer shrines to the Greek goddesses of science and culture, our modern day cultural sanctuaries are equally devoted to conserving the knowledge and achievements of ages and spreading the message.

Without further pathos and ado we would now like to present a by far not complete list of museums in Prague. The Bohemian city provides you with collections of cultural heritage, science, technics, design and history. … enjoy!

The National Museum

The National Museum.

Prague’s national museum is a polythematic institute with five specific departments. The Natural History Museum, The Historical Museum, The National Museum Library, The Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American...

Museum of the City of Prague

Museum of the City of Prague.

City museums obviously inform about the history and development of a city, this one is no exception. The permanent collection documents the history of the Bohemian city of Prague from its foundation in the ninth century to the present day...

Museum of Decorative Arts

Museum of Decorative Arts.

Founded in 1885, the Museum of Decorative Arts strives to preserve European decorative art and conceptually walks that thin line between art and functionality. Housed in a fin-de-siècle building , the museum permanently shows...

National Technical Museum

National Technical Museum.

The building itself looks rather solemn compared to the magnificent buildings which put on display Prague’s “belles arts”. This rectangular construct is about technics and it won’t disappoint your thirst of knowledge. Let’s call a spade a spade...

Prague Public Transport  Museum

Prague Public Transport Museum.

This sounds boring to you? Don’t worry it is not; if you are interested in old vehicles of transportation. With over forty carefully restored trams on display and a rich documentation – models, photographs, historical documents...

Museum of Communism

Museum of Communism.

The red star points to it – this museum is about a dark but non-forgotten era of Prague. Learn and sense how life must have been like under the Communist regime reigning over the Czech Republic from 1948 to 1989...

The Jewish Museum

The Jewish Museum.

After the Communist era, the Jewish Museum was given back to the Jewish community in 1994. With over 40,000 exhibits and 100,000 books, it owns one of the most extensive collections of Judaic art and culture in the world...
