
To promote international business, to represent the home country’s industry and to encourage international networking is the chief goal of business associations.

Prague has numerous possibilities for businessmen and –women to become active, mix and mingle.

AmCham - American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic.

Dušní 10
110 00 Prague 1
Phone: 222 329 430

AHK – Deutsch-Tschechische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

Václavské náměstí 40
CZ-110 00 Prague 1
Phone: 224 221 200

Australian Trade Commission.

Austrade Prague
Klimentská 10
110 00 Prague
Phone: 296 578 350

CCFT – Chambre de Commerce Franco - Tchèque.

Pobrenzi 3
Prague 8
Phone: 224 833 090

BCC - British Chamber of Commerce Czech Republic.

Pobřežní 3
186 00 Prague 8
Phone: 224 835 161

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Prague City Center
Klimentska 46
110 02 Prague 1
Phone: 225 000 345

The Joint Czech-Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce.

Thámova 20
186 00 Prague 8 - Karlín
Phone: 221 890 738

Czech Association for Business Excellence.

Opletalova 41
110 00 Prague 1
Phone: 221 004 233

Czech-Australia Group.

K Sandkam 137
159 00 Prague 5- Lahovice
Phone: 257 940 460

Czech-Israeli Chamber of Commerce.

Vaclavske nam. 802/56
110 00 Prague 1
Phone: 224 032 161

Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic.

Freyova 27
190 00 Prague 9
Phone: 296 646 112

Euro-Czech Forum.

U Prasne brany 1079/3
110 00 Prague 1
Phone: 222 320 360

European Commission in CZ.

Jungmannova 24
110 00 Prague 1
Phone: 224 312 835

ICC CR - International Chamber of Commerce Czech Republic.

Freyova 27
190 00 Prague 9
Phone: 296 646 251

ibn - International business network of the Czech Republic.

Howlings s.r.o
Anglicka 26
120 00 Prague 2
Phone:  222 510 133
